Executive Global
Productivity | Strategy | Profitability

''Kent is dedicated to delivering non-invasive diagnostic solutions to improve clinical insights.''
An Interview with Pierre Lemire
Advancements In Multispectral Imaging
Our dedicated interview with PIERRE LEMIRE, CEO of Kent Imaging, Inc. once again profiles the founder of the award-winning firm focused on global expansion of commercialised multispectral imaging technology that assesses tissue oxygen saturation. Executive Global have another discussion on advancements in tissue oxygenation imaging.
Executive Global: 6.5 million patients in the US alone suffer from chronic wounds every year. How is Kent Imaging’s SnapshotNIR device revolutionising wound care assessment procedures?
Pierre Lemire: Millions of patients suffer from non-healing wounds, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), critical limb ischemia, amputations, and post-operative complications. As a PAD screening device, SnapshotNIR allows physicians to identify PAD and vascular insufficiency by looking at the tissue in the microvasculature, where oxygen exchange is happening. With the data, physicians can expedite vascular referral and other critical interventions. Clinical studies have demonstrated that early assessment with Snapshot can impact the rate of amputation. We’ve revolutionised procedures for assessment compared to the current standard of care and we continue to identify ways to understand not only the patient’s local wound condition but the patient from a systemic perspective.
EG: With chronic wound care coming to the forefront of the medical sector, why is now the perfect time for a tool like SnapshotNIR?
PL: Chronic wounds are a globally underserved crisis and as our population ages, this unfortunate statistic will increase. Any open wound is a risk for infection and or hospitalisation, which is taxing to the healthcare system and the patient. With Snapshot’s ability to assess oxygenation and tissue viability quickly and easily, there is an essential need for the technology.
Better treatment strategies supported by diagnostic insights can lead to significant cost-savings for the healthcare system through shorter treatment and recovery times. We now have effective tools for the treatment of wounds, but the question is, which is the right one? Snapshot can assess which therapeutic applications are providing benefits, like hyperbarics, debridement, and cellular tissue products in terms of increasing oxygenation, which is key to wound healing. With stringent demands placed on hospitals and clinics for the optimisation of resources, we need technology that offers a better cost-benefit ratio. Kent is poised to meet that demand.
EG: Tell us about the rewarding impact that imaging technology and SnapshotNIR are now having in reassuring anxious patients of chronic wounds?
PL: Snapshot arms patients with a better perspective of their condition, providing an easily understandable picture of their healing progression. For example, it’s a huge commitment for the patient to undergo weekly or daily hyperbaric therapy when they can’t always see the outcome. Now, physicians can better communicate with patients, as well as support personnel, helping them more clearly see the issue and gain improved adherence to therapy. In turn, patients reclaim hope that their wounds can heal and become active participants in the solution.
EG: In your experience, what are the major medical conditions and procedures for which you have seen SnapshotNIR to be the most effective?
PL: This is a diverse technology with extensive opportunities. We currently focus on the specialties of chronic wounds, like ulcers, and pressure injuries, limb preservation, vascular screening, and reconstructive surgery. Other markets that can be explored include traumatic injuries, burns, oncological surgeries and sentinel nodes, colorectal surgery, and aesthetic surgery, to name just a few. It’s also important to note that cancer patients cannot receive therapy until a wound is closed. With a tool like Snapshot, that patient can heal their wound faster and receive the critical cancer treatments they require sooner.
EG: You have always been an innovator and while you were at Calgary Scientific, you created the first FDA-cleared device allowing radiologists to view images on their cell phones. What future technologies do you envision creating?
PL: With the global shortage of healthcare workers, we work to develop solutions that allow patients to better manage their conditions. SnapshotNIR is applicable across all care settings including in-patient and out-patient wound care, long-term care, and acute care. For those managing a chronic condition, Snapshot would allow them to have better care and understanding of how to treat themselves without straining the system. Kent is dedicated to delivering non-invasive diagnostic solutions to improve clinical insights. Add to this secure cloud storage, EMR integration, and artificial intelligence supporting diagnosis and treatment options, we look forward to impacting patient outcomes on a global scale with new innovations. EG